Making a Woman

make her smaller than the male of her species

fault her

and her thirst for knowledge

for the fall of human kind

give her a womb

let it define her

mother of humanity


drain her of her energy for several days each month

give her a surge of hormones

combine it with discomfort and pain


give her breasts

to nourish her young

let them become objects of sexuality

to be lusted after

tell her how and when they are appropriate


give men ownership over her

allow her to be given away


give her sexual urges

chastise her for acting on them

at all

or too often

give her a desire for knowledge

the ability to cure ailments

and the yearning to gather with others like her

burn her

stone her

lock her away


give her a love for the earth

let her care for it and cultivate it

raise her children upon it

but not own it.


give her a mind

make it powerful

combine wisdom with empathy

make her fight for her vote


give her the desire to succeed

and the ability to work hard

pay her less than her coworkers for performing the same tasks


dress her in high heels


strapless dresses

and tiny bathing suits

constantly evaluate her

loudly make it known if her body is

or isn’t pleasing


whisper in her ear that beauty is more important than inquisitiveness or strength

create several billion dollar industries to tell her her body is not good enough

capitalize on the insecurities you created


give her a voice strong and full of conviction

speak over her

ignore her

when she speaks of sexual assault


and misconduct

call them claims

dismiss her completely

ask her how she could have prevented it


give her control over her body

give her the right to say no

do not protect her under the law

consider the life of the vicious

twenty minutes ought not to define him.


tell her she’s equal

ignore her as she explains the truths of the past and the present


give her tenacity


and a vision

watch as she stands

clears her throat

and prepares to speak


confident and in unison

hand in hand

with her sisters

until she is heard

until she is understood

until she is equal