No More Mother’s Day in School

I realize Mother’s Day has come and gone, but with Father’s Day right around the corner, maybe it is still applicable, and this has been on both my mind and heart for awhile.

Recently grade 1 and 2 teachers, in just one school, in just one city, announced they would not be creating Mother’s Day crafts this year. There was immediate backlash and outrage from not only the parents of those children, but the entire community and province. So like anything that fuels my teacher fire, I took to the comments section of Facebook. I was asked several times, “Why the hate for Mother’s Day”? So here it goes (for the record, I don’t hate completely hate it, and I still do Mother’s Day crafts with my students).

I am deeply bothered when teachers are not given the benefit of a doubt. Let’s pretend for 30 seconds that teachers, who have spent 5+ years of school learning to be a teacher, have years of experience, take professional development to continue to learn how to effectively reach children, who spend evenings reading books and blogs to become better teachers, who spend 6 hours a day with a particular group of children might just understand some of their emotional needs. In this particular circumstance one of the students very recently, and very tragically lost their mother. Did they write this in the note home? No. Should they need to? NO! Parents and the public should understand that the vast majority of teachers are looking out for their students best interests.


Why don’t teachers just get them to make a craft for someone else? If you think that teachers everywhere have not been doing this since the beginning of Mother’s Day, you are wrong. If you think creating a craft for an aunt, grandmother or foster parent on Mother’s Day makes those students who have lost theirs, or who have mothers who are not yet well enough equipped to be a mother, feel less left out, you are wrong again. Every year I have at least 2 students who come from complicated family situations.

Mother’s Day crafts have been made at school for 100 years! There were a lot of things happening 100 years ago in education that are highly inappropriate for today. Students were given the strap as a form of discipline, teachers smoked and drank in the staff room, special needs students were not included in a regular school, black children did not attend the same school as white children and First Nations children were taken from their families, stripped of their culture, forced to attend English speaking schools and often abused. As society evolves so do our thoughts, attitudes and actions.   “It’s always been that way” is clearly not a reason for continuing hurtful practices.

I’m sick of everything having to be so PC. I’m not entirely sure why this was used as an argument in support of Mother’s Day cards, though it was. I know the teachers used the word “inclusive” on their note, and I know that word scares some people, heaven forbid we be more inclusive when considering 6 and 7 year olds. I have taught children with same sex parents and I can assure you that those parents have been more than happy receiving two projects on Mother’s Day. I have also taught students from a variety of different cultures, they too appreciate a love-filled, paint-splattered, heart-shaped handprint card.

This is not preparing them for the real world. First of all, they are 6 and 7 years old! If ever there was a time to shelter someone from the “real world” it is when they are 6 and 7 years old. Secondly, some of my student’s stories would break your heart if you heard them, others would make your skin crawl. Believe me, they know more about the “real world” than they anyone ever should. The MOST important thing in my class is to keep my students safe. I wish it was learning, I do. It is my job to keep my classroom a safe space, because unfortunately for some students my classroom is the only safe space, the only escape from the “real world”, they have.

My child is very upset they cannot create a craft for me. First of all most 6 and 7 year olds I know, don’t know what day of the week it is, let alone year. But let’s pretend they do. If they are upset, wonderful! That means they have a wonderful loving mother that they want to create a craft for! Give them a hug, they will get over it. It is the ones who have lost their mothers or the ones who have a mother unable to be a mother, that are the concern here.

Arts and crafts are part of the curriculum. Yes, they are. At 6 and 7 years old they are usually making 1 project per week. I’m sure you are inundated with beautiful projects that your child excitedly hands you each week. Feel free to claim any one of these as your special created “just for you” project, because they are, kids cannot wait to bring these weekly little gems home and gift them to you.

Finally to put this into another, far more personal, perspective, Mother’s Day 2012 I was pregnant with my first. People wished me “Happy Mother’s Day,” saying I was a mother, maybe I was, I was getting up frequently at night, which is basically the definition of being a parent. I lost my baby shortly after he was born, fell pregnant quickly again only to miscarry that little guy. So Mother’s Day 2013 was a very painful day for me, but I’m an adult and am capable of dealing with large emotions, so I completely avoided the world and anyone who wasn’t also grieving. 5 years and 2 beautiful daughters later, I still don’t step foot into church or a restaurant to avoid that stupid obligatory flower that reminds me of my heavy heart.

Now imagine for a second that there was a day called Kid’s Day, where everyone around the world recognized their little trouble makers, and on this day at my place of work every staff member was forced to create a special little project for their little ones.   It is mandatory, I cannot escape it. But they assure both me and the other lady, who has tried for 7 years to become pregnant, that “It is ok, just create one for a different baby.” Seems like a special kind of torture, am I right? School is mandatory. It is for children. Some children are very hurting.

Mother’s Day is clearly a family event; does it need to be a part of school?

T-Rex, T-Rex

If you have a dino loving kid in your life, who changes the words in Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, to T-Rex, T-Rex, What Do You See, like I do, have I got the book for you!

How to write your own kids book in 15 easy steps (feel free to skip this part)

  1. Listen to your child read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? incorrectly, on purpose, to satisfy her desire for all things dinosaur.
  2. Slowly die inside as she forces you to also read the book incorrectly, on purpose, to satisfy her desire for all things dinosaur.
  3. Remember that you have created many little booklets for your classes over the years.
  4. Sit down to draw dinosaurs, because a book for your child deserves original art.
  5. Decide this is going to take too long, harass your sister for computer graphic type of information on how to more efficiently draw dinosaurs, you know, on a computer.
  6. Drive to Staples, purchase a tablet and stylo to draw said dinosaurs.
  7. Scour the internet for a simple Paint program.
  8. Realize that the tablet and stylo are more geared towards actual graphic designers, who pay to use real programs, like Adobe Illustrator.
  9. Return tablet and stylo to Staples.
  10. Sharpen pencil, prepare Sharpies.
  11. Google dinosaur clipart for dinosaur drawing inspiration.
  12. Draw dinos.
  13. Scan dinos.
  14. Assemble book.  VOILA!!
  15. Hope and pray she never misreads another book again.


How to Make a Pizza in 10 Easy Steps

  1. Look at clock, realize you do not have anything prepared for supper, take stock of things in the cupboard and fridge.
  2. Google pizza recipes online, find one with an acceptable number of approval ratings that promises a fast delicious pizza, assure your 3 year old that you are not looking at videos of her.
  3. Set children up with loud flashing toys, move fast, this will buy you exactly 37 seconds before the three year old realizes what you are up to and pulls up a chair to “help”. You will have an additional 89 seconds before the baby realizes what you are both up to.
  4. Remove baby from pantry where there is a large bag of open oats, while reminding the 3 year old, “please don’t splash the flour”
  5. Quickly and as accurately as possible measure ingredients into a bowl, while removing the baby’s fingers from the drawer that she insists on repetitively shutting her fingers into.
  6. Knead and roll out dough as quickly
    as possible, while dancing to avoid the now crying baby’s fingers from locking on to your pant leg, avoiding any expectation of a pick up.
  7. Show 3 year old how to roll a crust on onto the edge of the pizza, so you can distract the baby with raisins on the coffee table. Remind yourself, that this pizza is for eating, there will be no prize for the perfect pizza crust.
  8. Grate cheese, while the 3 year old spoons out the sauce. Remind the baby that the “raisins are for you, not the dog”. Yell at dog, “go lie down!”
  9. Put pizza in oven, turn on oven light, ask 3 year old to tell you when the pizza is ready, put baby beside her to watch the pizza. You now have 58 seconds to pick up raisins off the floor, throw ingredients back into the pantry and put a few dishes into the sink before they realize you have “free time”
  10. Slice pizza, serve pizza and sit down. Re-slice the three year olds pizza to match the baby’s pizza. Sit down. Get the three year old a sippy cup with water and ice. Sit down and enjoy.  

Chili night

While filling bowls with hot leftover chili for tonight’s supper, I drop one.  A full one.  A full, cereal sized bowl, of chili, on the floor.

And as it falls I can hear myself yelling a very long, very loud, “NOOOOOOOO!!!” Scaring my 2 year old. Scaring the baby, who was on the kitchen floor and has hurled herself towards the mess. Both of which proceed to cry.

I remove the crying baby from the area and as I peel off my shirt, drenched in tomato sauce and wipe my face, I look around at the mess.   It’s bad, really bad. But it serves me right.  I cleaned my cupboards, fridge and stove a few days before.  Like really cleaned. Scrubbed, buffed, used a toothpick to get the crumbs out from the crevices kind of cleaned.  And like Icarus, who was overzealous, flying too close to the sun, my beautiful dream of having and maintaining clean cupboards came crashing down.

But most alarmingly there is tomato sauce on the ceiling!  THE CEILING!  The WHITE spackled ceiling.  And as I climb up on a chair to wipe off the ceiling I realize what I already knew to be true.  The spackle part wipes off, and I mean really wipes off, like easier than the tomato sauce, easy.  I stare at the previously spackled ceiling, still wet and still just a little saucy, and I wonder WHY didn’t I use a hot mitt to carry the bowl!?

I take a step back to truly appreciate the full effect of the drop.  I pull a bean out of my bra, tuck a saucy strand of hair behind my ear and sit down to eat what I salvaged from the floor (bonus of it being sparkly clean moments ago).

But, hey!  The bowl didn’t break, my three dogs were happy to help with clean up and I was wearing black.

Excuse me as I go scrape the tomato sauce out of my eyebrows.

The Incessant Santa

The other day my step mother thoughtfully gifted my 2 year old daughter a motion activated singing santa. Seems cute, right?? There is NO off button, NONE. Judging by the number of times it sings in a day, I am almost certain that the motion that sets off said jingle, also charges the batteries.

Now I know what she was doing. She had been gifted this singing Santa herself in a secret Santa swap. To save herself from a lifetime of motion induced jingles she thought she would pass him along to his next home. I don’t blame her, I really don’t, but while this singing Santa is slowly driving me senseless, I sit here plotting either my revenge, or my own passing on of this Christmas cruelty.

Who originally bought the singing Santa?? I can almost understand what they were doing there. I imagine they thought it was funny, a jingle that cannot be turned off. There was a time when I would have thought that too. I know better now. They couldn’t possibly have imagined that the battery would last forever.

I am forced to wonder what sort of unpleasant person could construct such an infuriating piece of plastic??   I think I have to assume they are either mad themselves or suffered some sort of Christmas upset. Did Santa skip by them one year?? Did he bring something they hadn’t asked for?? Was the great Santa secret revealed to soon?? WHAT WAS IT?!?!

And then I wonder, just how old is this Santa?? Was he created and purchased this year?? Or has he spent season upon season moving from home to home?? How many homes have been afflicted by the holiday horror of non stop jingles??

I know what you are thinking, just throw the singing Santa away. I would have said that too. It seems like it would be the simplest solution, however the madness has consumed me now and I fear that once it has left my house amongst the trash, that it would soon be resurrected by scavenging squirrels or seagulls and somehow make it’s way back to me. It would forever haunt me. Instead I must pass it along so it can safely resume its journey of torment on whoever hears its song.

Be wary my friends, Santa is coming to town.