because i’ll never be a person of colour
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
because i’ll likely never need to flee my home country
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
because i’ll likely never know the worries of homelessness
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
because the legitimacy of my relationships have never been questioned
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
because i’ll likely never question my sexual identity
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
because i’ve never yet experienced mental illness
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
because i’ve yet to work two jobs only to fall below the poverty line
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
because i’ve never suffered abuse at the hands of someone i trusted
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
because i’ll likely never have to wear their shoes or walk their path
i’ll listen and trust them to tell their stories
so i can begin to imagine what their path looks like
and the journey they are on
-acknowledging my limited perspective