I watch as a little girl at the park carefully places a stone in front of my daughter, steps back and watches intently to see if her gift is received. I think I’ve seen this behaviour before, on a nature show.
My daughter tosses it to the side, she’s not interested in a playmate today. Undefeated, the girl places another stone in front of my other daughter. Success! My daughter adds it to her pile and smiles at the girl, thankful for a park friend.
Large white clouds interrupt the bright blue sky, just a winds breath away, are dark and foreboding ones. It’s a risk being out here — one worth taking. The warmth of the sun and the beauty of the day far outweigh the risk of sudden downpour.
We’re all constantly putting ourselves out there, tentatively, waiting to see if our sentiments are reciprocated.
“How’s your day?” I ask the girl’s mother standing nearby — placing a stone of my own onto the ground in front of her. I wait to see if she if she tosses it aside or accepts it with a smile.