the willow

mighty arms outstretched
a resting place
a peaceful place
home to many
happily giving
hauntingly beautiful
and then the storm
callous and cold
it didn’t care how much she had provided
it didn’t care how well she had been loved
far more than she could bear
no one would have blamed her if she had given up
but it wasn’t in her nature

4 Replies to “the willow”

  1. Love this. We had a willow tree that was the BEST climbing tree ever and it was in our front yard. I came home one day to find it chopped down!! Can’t say how sad that made me feel! Guess it was some trouble with the roots getting into the house plumbing….but funny how you can feel attached to a tree. They feel so soul-full.

    1. so attached, especially a beautiful willow!! this one had an old rope off of a branch, i imagine for some sort of swing, she was well loved, well before i knew her

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